On June 22, 2017 Dorothy Ngutter, a Diplomat in Residence for the Northwest Region of the United States, and Evan G. Reade, a former U.S. Foreign Service Officer came to World Affairs to discuss with the Summer Institute students their experiences working in the Foreign Service. Through several articles as well as discussions with the speakers, students were able to get a grasp on American diplomacy and the various career paths the Foreign Service can provide. Below is a student’s reflection on meeting with the Foreign Service professionals and their class discussions.
However, it is impossible to say that America’s diplomacy is only disadvantageous and has a negative influence, because it has played a major role in the development and progression of many other countries in the world. It may even be that the example set by America--in all aspects of life: government, behavior of the people, business, etc.--is stronger and more influential than the U.S.A.’s actions or diplomacy (http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/article/america’s-purpose-and-role-changed-world-0). America is usually known as the most desired place to live in the world, because of all its aspects that characterize it as a free country and one in which people can achieve their dreams and find success. Additionally, its democracy poses an example to many other foreign countries that have yet to establish their own democracy, and seek to follow its lead. America is the land of immigrants, meaning that many people travel from all over the world to reside within its borders, and many times, if people return to their homeland, they bring a piece of the U.S. with them, whether it be ideas of democracy or business or the economy.
Therefore, although it may seem that America and its diplomacy has been the cause of much conflict within foreign countries, and has had a greater negative influence, the mere presence and life of the American culture has played a major role in helping the rest of the world. As George Kennan said: “the most important influence that the United States can bring to bear upon internal developments in Russia will continue to be the influence of example” (http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/article/america’s-purpose-and-role-changed-world-0). As long as the United States continues to abide by its own principles and values, it can continue to have a positive impact on the rest of the world.
- Anastasia Ahani
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